1stArtur Malinowski
Marilyn Malinowska
2ndChristopher Rainbow
Steve Eginton
3rdMichael Shellim
Roger Challis
   Hands/Analysis   view all photos   Matrix RANK (MP by Board)    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Division Open - Game: 2018-10-11 Lunchtime Duplicate PDF converter      

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st  Artur Malinowski  Marilyn Malinowska 60.5 60.5 12.00
 2nd  Christopher Rainbow  Steve Eginton 60.42 60.42 6.00
 3rd  Michael Shellim  Roger Challis 58.5 58.5  
 4th  Barbara Wolczynska  Don Wilson 48.5 48.5  
 5th  Lee Ruette  Martin Wickens 38.5 38.5  
 6th  Lizzie Shellim  Manuela Raimondo 34.4 34.4